An irrigation system is vital for keeping your row crops in Florida, Texas, or North Carolina hydrated, but which one is the most efficient? The answer depends on your crop type, and the different systems include micro-jet, drip, subsurface, hose-reel, and solid-set. Professionals can examine your crops and help determine which irrigation system is best for them, or they can retrofit your existing one to make it more efficient! You should also have it automated, as this allows it to utilize real-time data gathered from weather stations and soil moisture sensors to provide adequate water when they need it.

The Most Efficient Irrigation System Depends on the Type of Row Crops You Have

When determining the most efficient irrigation system for your row crops, it depends on the type you have. Here are the different systems and some information about each:

  • Micro-jet irrigation systems: This system consists of small sprinkler heads that sit close to the ground and dispense water at a low volume and pressure. It provides the proper amount to a small area, boosting efficiency and uniform soil moisture. Micro-jet is suitable for vegetables and other row crops.
  • Drip irrigation systems: Drip irrigation consists of pipes along the ground that deliver water at a low volume directly to the root zone of crops. This system is highly efficient because it reduces water waste and evaporation. It's perfect for any row crop, such as vegetables and fruit trees.
  • Subsurface irrigation systems: Subsurface irrigation involves underground pipes that directly water the roots of crops at a low pressure. As a result, it allows them to maximize the water they receive. This system is suitable for row crops like corn, wheat, and potatoes.
  • Hose-reel irrigation systems: This system consists of a portable cart with a large, plastic hose attached to a powerful sprinkler head. With the advantage of moving it around, you can access even hard-to-reach crops so that everything stays hydrated. Hose-reel is a good option for any row crop type, including wheat, rye, and vegetables.
  • Solid-set irrigation systems: Solid-set irrigation systems consist of sprinkler heads atop posts that spray a powerful stream of water over a large area. Not only does this allow you to cover more crops, but it also provides uniform watering. This system is suitable for corn, grain, and vegetables.

Pros can determine the best irrigation system for your row crops or retrofit an existing one.

When your row crops receive the water they need when they need it, it boosts their yield. Fortunately, you can have professionals come out and examine your crops to help determine the best irrigation system for them. They can identify their specific needs and suggest the one that meets those and provides the most efficient watering. However, if you already have an existing system, they can retrofit it to make it more suitable for your row crops and minimize wasteful water use.

Automate Your Row Crop Irrigation System to Make It Even More Efficient

If you want to make your row crop irrigation system even more efficient, you should have it automated! Automating your irrigation system allows it to utilize real-time data gathered from weather stations and soil moisture sensors to dispense the correct amount of water to your crops when needed. Because it knows when to turn on and off, it can boost your yield by providing adequate hydration while minimizing wasteful usage. As a result, your irrigation system will become that much more efficient.

With an automated irrigation system, you can control and monitor it through an app on your phone.

Call us today to schedule our row crop irrigation services.

At Agri Services International, we offer row crop irrigation services to help you get the most out of your system while increasing your yield! Our team can determine the best irrigation system for your crops or retrofit your existing one, plus we can automate it to make it more efficient. We serve farmers, growers, and landowners in Florida, Texas, North Carolina, and other surrounding states. Call us today at 772-468-0888 to schedule our row crop irrigation services!